New Articles about FAA & Star Wars

I recently finished writing 2 articles about the Federal Arbitration Act:

1) The first article is titled “#MeToo’s Landmark, Yet Flawed, Impact on Dispute Resolution: The Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021.” This article discusses flaws in the recent amendment to the FAA, and it will be published in the Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy. A copy of the current draft can be found on SSRN (click here).

2) The second article uses the Star Wars universe to explore the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Viking River Cruises v. Moriana. It is titled “Boba Fett, Bounty Hunters, and the Supreme Court’s Viking River Decision: A New Hope,” and it will be published in the Washington & Lee Law Review Online. A copy of the current draft can also be found on SSRN (click here).

For those of you who know me, obsessed with Star Wars I am. I consider Star Wars the greatest epic of our time, like the Iliad and Odyssey were to the ancients. I’ve joined a council of authors to contribute a chapter about arbitration & Star Wars for a new book, Star Wars & Conflict Resolution, which will be coming out this Fall. Here is a website about the project in case you are interested: